Intuitive Consultations




INTUITIVE CONSULTATIONS – Long Distance or Office Visits

Intuitive Consultations are usually sessions looking at the client’s wellbeing, sense of purpose, desires, relationships and all that effects the client in her/his daily life that needs understanding, change or resolve.

Althea utilizes her developed and heightened psychic abilities for finding information, messages, probabilities and possibilities which can create balance, peace, a plan of action for manifesting short and long term goals and management of stress or conflict.

Althea works as a Conscious Channel receiving information from One’s Higher Self and Spiritual Guides. Her clairvoyant gift gives insights that facilitates aligning and attuning one’s present life and clarifies existing possibilities and probabilities. Information on personal growth issues can be provided in order to eliminate blocks that have restricted the expression and experience of one’s potential.

Sessions can include:

Conscious Channel: The alignment of inner intuitive abilities in order to communicate with Once’s Higher Self and Spiritual Guides.

Tarot Cards: A Tarot deck is comprised of 78 cards which are dived into two categories the Minor Arcana (56 cards) and the Major Arcana (22 cards). The Tarot reflects the present moment and can help you become aware of the future you’re currently creating. The Archetypical symbolism and messages in the Tarot can provide self-reflection which enables you to gain spiritual information and understanding.

Automatic Writing: Is a technique for receiving messages from the Spirit World and inner guidance through the written word instead of the spoken language. 

Psychometry: Is the ability through contact with an object to obtain information about that object or a person connected to that object. Go to: “Preparation & Mailing” and read “Directions for Mailing Objects for Psychometry”.

Sound Healing or Sound Therapy or Vibrational Medicine: is the practice of using sound and frequency for relaxation, personal development and healing. The law of physics teaches us that everything in the universe has its own frequency and vibration. Sound healing is based on the belief that emotional, mental, spiritual and physical imbalance or disease in the body is a result of our natural resonance being out of tune, blocked or off balance. If your dis-ease is due to stress, illness or environmental factors, it is believed that working with frequencies can bring your body back into healthy vibration.  

Crystals: Crystal healing is an energy-based system. It is based on the belief that we are all made up of different energies which can become blocked or unbalanced and can cause illness. Crystals can be used as a tool for focusing, directing and moving stagnant energy to create balance and support healing and relaxation.