A woman with long hair and brown eyes.

Althea Watson
Healing, Consulting, Mediumship &
Investigation of Environmental Energies

Meet Althea Watson

Althea started sensing and communicating with the Spiritual World before she was seven years old. She has been recognized for her insights in health and personal awareness issues. Focusing on self-realization, she will help you learn to embrace yourself with love and become active in creating the life you desire.

Althea’s abilities include Mediumship (contact and communications with the Spiritual World), Clairvoyance (clear sight), Clairaudience (clear hearing), Clairalience (clear sense of smell), Clairgustance (clear tasting), Clairsentience (clear feeling), Claircognizance (clear knowing), Psychometry (touch).

With the recognition of having mediumistic and psychic abilities at an early age, Althea was taught how to identify environmental energies. She has also entered alternate dimensions and brought back information which has been validated. Dimensions are planes of existence which are created and maintained by frequency. Each dimension has its own set of laws and principles which resonate at the frequency within that dimension to support its existence.

Her other skills include: Energy Medicine and techniques for Analysis & Balancing the Chakra System to promote spiritual awareness and emotional, mental and physical healing.; Methods for working with Universal Healing Energy, including Reiki, to remove blocks from an individual’s aura or energy field to restore balance, health and well-being.; Automatic writing to receive messages from spirit.; Interpretation of symbols, signs and energy through the use of Tarot Cards, a system of divination.

Althea has had two Near-Death Experiences, many Spiritually Transformative Experiences and Out-Of-Body Experiences. These events led her to the study different philosophies and religions. She is an Ordained Minister and considers herself a Christian Spiritualist.

Althea has a BFA and is a member of AEA (Actors' Equity Association) and SAG/AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild & American Federation of Television and Radio Artists). Her work from Off-Off-Broadway to Broadway was a platform not only for performing and management but also for her development of classes, workshops and private sessions in Stress Management and Breathing Techniques & Physical Movement and Understanding, Controlling and Resolving Performance Anxiety and working as a Life Coach.

Althea has conducted Energy Medicine Sessions for crisis, cancer, and AIDS centers and has been a Consultant for businesses including Fortune 500 members. She has been a guest speaker for International and National organizations aside from theatres, spiritual organizations, expos and colleges. Along with lecturing, teaching and conducting seminars and workshops, Althea maintains a private practice which includes long-distance and office visits.