Energy Medicine/ Healing

From: $80.00

*As a celebration and a gift, I have reduced my All Sessions Fee to $80.00 for half an hour and $160.00 for an hour, with an additional service charge of $3.28 for each half hour.


Energy Medicine

Is an approach for healing the body, mind and spirit by using Universal Healing Energy and the natural energy of the human body to find balance, wellbeing and healing.

This session is designed to work with the (Chakra System) subtle bodies of the auric field, which is the energy around the physical body. Althea uses her work with Universal Energy to open and create a flow of energy, bringing relief to the areas that have been blocked. Her developed senses can often find the cause and effect of the energetic blockage/s to aid in the resolve of discomfort. Althea’s ability to communicate with one’s Higher Self and spiritual guides allows the client to receive messages which can be helpful for issues of health and awareness.

Energy Medicine Includes:

Chakra Scan Analysis, Balancing & Alignment, and Universal Healing Energy.